The Senior Integrated Project (SIP) is the capstone of Kalamazoo College’s program of liberal arts education, offering students the opportunity to make use of all of their experiences at the College. The SIP is an occasion for independent scholarship, often in conjunction with an internship or other creative activity which results in a written report, performance, or exhibit. Rather than selecting only a subset of students to work on an honors project or thesis, the College considers such independent work a significant part of the education of all Kalamazoo College students and requires it of all seniors.

February 27, 2025
The 2025 Religion SIP Symposium
The 2025 Department of Religion SIP Symposium was held on
Thursday, February 27, in the Hick’s Banquet Hall.
The SIP Symposium Program
5:45pm – Welcome: Dr. Tayor Petrey
5pm – Dinner
5:45pm – Dr. Petrey, Introduction
6:00pm – Megan Hybels
“Commercializing Disability: The Limits of Catholic Assimilation in Midcentury America”
6:20pm – Katie Kraemer
“Catholics on Display”: Analyzing Presentations of Anti-Catholic Rhetoric in Fort Wayne’s Diocesan Museum
6:40pm – Ellie Pollard
“Negotiating Norms: Post-Colonial Feminism and Women’s Identity in Jordan”
7:00pm – Conclusion