Phone: 269.337.5789
Office: Dewing, room 303-H
Religion Courses Taught
RELG 107: Introduction to Jewish Traditions
RELG 218: American Jewish Experience
RELG 263: Jews in a Changing Europe: 1750-1880
RELG 264: Jewish Revolutions: 1881-1967
RELG 267: Women and Judaism
RELG 268: Jews on Film
Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada

Associate Professor of Religion
Phone: 269.337.7426
Office: Humphrey House, room 107
Religion Courses Taught
RELG 122: Religions of Latin America
RELG 123: Catholics in the Americas
RELG 205: Religion and Masculinity in the U.S.
RELG 220: Bad Religion
RELG 222: Urban Religion
RELG 235: Devotional Stuff
RELG 333: Ethnography of Religion
RELG 390: Junior Seminar in Religion
RELG 490: Senior Seminar in Religion
Dr. Maldonado-Estrada is on sabbatical for the 2024-25 academic year
Taylor Petrey

Professor of Religion
Department Chair
Phone: 269.337.7286
Office: Humphrey House, room 109
Religion Courses Taught
RELG 110: Introduction to the New Testament
RELG 111: From Jesus to Christianity
RELG 160: Hebrew Bible
RELG 200: What is Religion?
RELG 213: Christianity and the Family
RELG 214: Race and the Bible
RELG 390: Junior Seminar in Religion
RELG 490: Senior Seminar in Religion
Phone: 269.337.7114
Office: Humphrey House, Room 105
Religion Courses Taught
RELG 130: Religion in South Asia
RELG 140: Hindu Traditions
RELG 151: Islam in South Asia
RELG 230: Dance, Drama, & Devotion in South Asia
RELG 231: Religion, Bollywood, and Beyond
RELG 232: Jedi, Sith, and Mandalorians: Religion and Star Wars
RELG 241: Princesses, Demonesses, and Warriors: The Women of the
South Asian Epics
RELG 390: Junior Seminar in Religion
Shelby King

Visiting Assistant Professor
2024-2025 Academic Year
Phone: 269.337.7426
Office: Humphrey House, room 107
Religion Courses Taught
RELG 220: Bad Religion
RELG 235: Devotional Stuff
RELG 295: Religion and Politics in Cold War America
RELG 295: Conspiracy Theories and Religion
RELG 295: American Religious History
RELG 295: Religion and Magic
Sarah Bryans

Academic Office Coordinator
Phone: 269.337.7043
Office: Humphrey House, room 110